Thank you Bruno for bringing me back what I really feel being the optimum me after many, many years of battling hormonal and weight issues, I am very grateful to have met you. You are very authentic and your diagnosis is very results driven. Jey T.
Bruno has a brilliant mind, I am just beginning to hear mainstream medicine speak of what Bruno was telling me 15 years ago. His supplements make a huge difference to my life. My arthritis has reduced significantly. Margaret C.
This is no fairy-tale. Following Bruno and Henriette’s natural healing program my weight and life have already changed immediately. For all of you thinking about going down this path, don’t waste any more time. DO IT. I promise you will not regret it. Vikki H.
I haven’t felt as good as this about my life in a very long time. Now I have the energy and most importantly the motivation to continue with what I call a lifestyle change. I have told many people about you Bruno and will continue to do so. Nicole A.
With seeing Bruno my health has improved immensely. Now I feel amazing. People tell me I look amazing. I can’t remember the last time I went to a doctor. When anyone tells me about their health issues, I tell them: “go and see Bruno”. Carla O.
Bruno has always been supportive and with his exhaustive knowledge, I knew I was in good hands. The weight came off, my energy improved and my health remained excellent with the assistance of Bruno’s carefully researched vitamin products and his excellent advice. Roslyn B.
Within two weeks of treatment from Bruno, The Marevich Way, I felt better than I had for 20 years. My energy levels are now like a teenager’s, I’m much more optimistic and when I wake up I practically bounce out of bed, my energy levels are perfect all day, I’m regular and I actually look fresh and younger. I have spoken about Bruno to all my family and friends and know that some are also now getting help from him. I’ve got my life back. I really can’t recommend you highly enough Bruno. Leo L.
After making an appointment with Bruno, changing my diet and taking some vitamins rather than antibiotics, my health has had a complete turnaround. I would never have imagined that I could feel so well within myself. It’s one of the best things I have ever done. Life is too short to feel sick every day, I recommend your service to everyone. Elizabeth C.
My health improved quickly and has been stable for years. I have now been seeing Bruno for 10 years and would recommend anyone not having luck with conventional medicine to see him too. Andrew B.
Bruno was very understanding and explained in detail exactly what he would like me to do to achieve the results I wanted, The Marevich Way. Bruno is my saviour and I look forward to meeting with him every month because there’s always something new I’m learning off him to help me along. Antoinette A.
I would definitely recommend Bruno Marevich to anyone who is willing and interested. I find Bruno’s attitude to wellness and longevity motivating and inspirational. Also Bruno’s availability to listen and explain clearly what is happening to me is much appreciated. Gail P.
Fifteen years later I still live my Bruno’s creed, The Marevich Way, and understand our immune system is designed to heal us therefore a healthy attitude and following a healthy gut has kept my illness at bay and I feel 100%. Glenn H.
People often tell me that I look so well and ask me where I get my energy from. I believe Bruno’s natural therapy has done wonders for my health and will still continue seeing him. Pauline W.
I’ve been seeing Bruno for 25 years on a regular basis. I believe I owe my good health over this time to Bruno. Whenever I have a health concern the first thing I do is go and see Bruno. He’s never misdiagnosed my condition. Pam McB.
In about four weeks I had lost eight kilos by walking 40 minutes each day and following Bruno’s diet and taking his supplements. I had not felt that good since I was in my teens. He has an abundance of knowledge and I am always confident in the advice he gives me. Gary A.
It’s now been over 12 months since I first saw Bruno. Now I can’t imagine not following The Marevich Way – his thoughtful advice and powerful supplements have literally changed my life for the better and we’ve referred a number of our friends to him. Glen P.
Bruno’s wealth of knowledge and experience has been fantastic in providing a program that improved my lifestyle and made the symptoms either disappear or reduce to a manageable state. Bruno has a holistic approach to his treatment and provides clear explanations with his findings and treatments. We keep recommending Bruno to many friends and family. Shawn A.
Bruno diagnosed and treated my health condition by changing my diet and prescribed the right supplements, I am now back to working 14 hours a day, seven days a week. All I can say is “THANKS” and I would recommend anyone who is not well and has been unable to solve their problems to see Bruno and start enjoying the rest of your life. Roland J.
I would like to thank Bruno for his exceptional treatment and care in the last year and a half. After having had breast cancer and radiation I can say I don’t feel as tired and I am a lot more energetic. I am looking forward to continuing treatment and future overall health. Cecilia D.
Bruno has always been there to support me through various on-going health concerns, both in person and over the phone. He has always offered a great deal of care, support and encouragement for which I feel so blessed. Name provided.
I have always tried to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, in my mid-eighties I was diagnosed by a doctor with rheumatoid arthritis and prescribed dangerous drugs which I refused to take. I was fortunate to know the best naturopath in the world, my son Bruno. I am now 92, weigh a perfect 50 kilos and thanks to my son’s directions and supplements I now live a fit and healthy life. Thank you son. Diana Marevich.
Make Your Health Great Again
Find out How to Achieve Epic Wellbeing and a
More Vibrant, Longer Life.
I dedicate this book to You, the reader, a very special being, conceived and made in the Creator’s own image. You are a unique, essential and active part of this amazingly spectacular, eternal universe.
To all who are enjoying full good health, not so good health, at home, in hospitals, to those who are happy and those whose lives feel challenged at this moment.
To all who have sincerely committed their lives and continued efforts in helping others experience greater physical wellness and mental and conscious growth.
To humanity, every person of any age, race, creed, gender, nationality or social status. You have all been endowed with the seeds of greatness within you.
May all your lives prosper and become abundantly filled with great energy and health.
Bruno Marevich
I am very happy that I have been so fortunate in my life to have been able to get to do what I wanted to be able to do as far back as I can remember, since I was a little child. I felt then that my life’s mission and desires would be fulfilled if only I could work hard enough at acquiring enough knowledge and expertise, so that one day this could help anyone who needed some of this knowledge and expertise, and they would want to use it to try and make their lives better.
I would not have been able to have helped so many people in my life unless I too had been so positively supported by my family and some other great people whose paths crossed with mine.
The first person without whom I would not be where I am and who I am is my dear wife, Henriette. She believed in me since the first day we met almost 40 years ago and has never ceased to do so. She is the source of my inspiration and motivation. She encouraged me every step of the way, at times even when I could have stopped and turned around. Our aims and drive are the same and she felt that by helping me unselfishly every step of the way, we could achieve our goal of benefiting the lives of others together. In the early years of our marriage she worked hard at casual jobs below her talents and abilities whilst also raising our children just so to make it possible for me to pursue my studies and profession. We have worked together at helping our patients since day one, are doing so today more happily that ever and look forward to continuing with doing so, even better if we can, for many, many years still.
My children, who have grown up listening to mum and dad talking about health and disease at the dinner table. It must have had some kind of an effect as Daniel is now a very dedicated operating theatre nurse and Ann a fabulous, caring dentist. We are proud that they are both doing what they love doing.
My mum and dad who always supported me and adopted a healthy eating lifestyle since we were children. Dad, a staunchly individualistic and very intelligent man, passed away a few years ago at the age of 91 and until not long before his decline had been exceptionally healthy with the best blood test readings of anyone I had ever seen. Mum is now 92 years young, lives with us, has no health complaints, is fully active, is as bright as a young lady, enjoys going for long walks lasting several hours with Henriette and I on a regular weekly basis and attracts the compliments of everyone she meets because of her youthful appearance and demeanour. She has long been a great living example of The Marevich Way which she does her best to follow every day.
Robert Lucy, a great Sydney naturopath and chiropractor who must have somehow sensed my desire to help people and have seen enough good potential in me to choose me, out of many, to take over his busy Sydney Macquarie Street practice and all his patients before passing away. He mentored me through my studies and early years as a naturopath. I always looked up to him and wished that one day I could be as good at diagnosing, treating and understanding people as he was. Robert passed away many years ago but I still remember all he ever told me. I have used his holistic philosophy of healing as the foundation onto which I added my own personal experience to create The Marevich Way which I continue to use daily with my patients in my practice.
Dr William Vayda, who has also long since passed away, whose traditional style of natural medicine philosophy closely interlinked to a strong scientific and medical basis. He made me appreciate the synergy of combining traditional with orthodox medicine which I strongly support to this day. He too believed in my potential.
I can honestly and gratefully say that I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
And this section could not be finished without acknowledging the countless number of patients who have given me the opportunity of doing what I have always wanted to do, help people live a healthy, happy, long and productive life, where they feel empowered to also help others and thus in a small but unstoppable way all contributing to the betterment of humanity.
The intention of this book is to inform the reader of the author’s observations, research and hands-on clinical treatments and experience over many years as a naturopath, as well as those of other scientists and health practitioners, which have allowed him to help many patients achieve better health.
Its purpose is to increase the reader’s general awareness in the philosophy and practice of natural health treatment approaches backed by scientific interpretations and explanations where possible.
The scientific and naturopathic formulas, treatments used and diets contained in this book are only provided to give the reader general information and knowledge about the subject, and in no way to provide a complete, in depth explanation which would of course require more space than available.
Some of the comments and recommendations in this book may also be based on anecdotal evidence and not have been officially proven to full scientific and medical satisfaction as yet and thus may not be supported or recommended by medicine.
As every person is different, so is potentially the status of their health and the causes for their conditions, even though, when reading, they may appear to be similar to those of other people mentioned in this book. What may very well be correct for many may not only be unsuitable and indeed may also be dangerous for some others.
This book is therefore not intended to assess nor diagnose the readers’ nor anyone else’s state of health nor recommend any treatments, medications nor dietary requirements for which you should seek advice directly from a qualified, professional health practitioner.
Chapter 1: Never Too Late to Start Getting Healthier
Chapter 2: Pay Attention to Your Gut
Chapter 3: Your Gut Will Take Care of You
Chapter 4: Love Your Liver
Chapter 5: Sure Way to Great Health
Chapter 6: Health’s Four Other Cornerstones
Chapter 7: The Marevich Way to Energy and Health
It is a great pleasure for me to write a foreward for Make Your Health Great Again: The Marevich Way to Energy and Health.
I have been influenced by natural therapies from an early age through the influence of my mother who is a yoga teacher and a type 2 diabetic.
My brother and I grew up on a cocktail of fish oil and vitamins.
During my time in medical school as well as training and working as a GP in two busy practices I was able to see the tremendous benefits as well as limitations of modern medicine.
When it comes to chronic disease and autoimmune disease in particular the use of diet and lifestyle from my anecdotal evidence as a GP is huge.
We already know that type 2 diabetes studies have shown the benefits of diet and lifestyle on glycaemic control.
I have seen many success stories but also failures in terms of natural therapies during my time in practice. I think it is up to each patient to look at these therapies for themselves and search for the right practitioner to see if they may benefit from them.
The effects of supplementing with micronutrients, probiotics, lifestyle and diet on the gastrointestinal system and the immune system can be profound, even if difficult to explain.
As a doctor and a patient myself, I have seen firsthand the success of natural therapies used alone as well as in tandem with modern medical practice.
As with most things in life a middle ground is usually the safest and keeping an open mind always helps.
What may work for one patient may not work for another as we are all similar but very different genetic machines.
The present day lack of evidence based trials on such therapies makes it difficult for doctors as yet to endorse such practices however we are all on a journey and many patients will give natural therapies a chance having done their own research.
It is good to see a new book based on the long personal clinical experience and recommendations of an experienced naturopath, Bruno Marevich, give the reader even more well explained information and anecdotal case studies to provide more needed understanding as well as food for thought in the field of natural therapies.
The patient’s good health always comes first.
Dr. Sanjeevan Nagulendran